Other Initiatives
The Tilak Memoji and Emoji
We are currently working on publishing a Tilak emoji and memoji feature. We need volunteers who can help us write a proposal to submit for the same. People with experience in submitting emojis to unicode.org would be very helpful.
Bindi/Tilak/Vibuthi Research
We are currently conducting research on various aspects of the Bindi.
One research study we are working on is the actual age of the Bindi. Age-old temples (for example, the Kanchipuram temple shown to the right) have murthis and images of people with Tilakams, Vibuthis, and Bindis. In this research study, we will be mapping out the exact age of the Bindi by exploring ancient artifacts and temples.
In our second research study, we will be determining the true meaning of the Bindi/Vibuthi/Tilak. In this study, we will be exploring descriptions of the Bindi in the Shiva agamas, Upanishads, and Vedas. We will also find why exactly divine Hindu gods and goddesses wore the Bindi.
We need volunteers around the world who are willing to participate in these research studies with us. Please feel free to contact us with more information on how to start a Bindi-research chapter at your local area.
This photo was taken at the Kanchipuram Temple in Tamil Nadu, which is more than 1,000 years old.